Jun 11, 2014
Dad's put up with a lot from kids. From changing wet sheets to just generally making sure you live a certain standard of a Redneck life, you have a lot to thank him for. Show that gratitude this Father’s Day by catering to his inner redneck with these great gifts. You may be thinking that your dad isn’t much of a redneck, but he’s a guy. And if he’s ever chosen hunting over your birthday party or tried to take you fishing at Sea World, he’s a lot more redneck than you think.
If most of your family dinners were alive that morning, you might want to get him these Father Day gifts:

If your dad has ever been banned from barbecuing by the Fire Marshall, The Redneck Grill is the right Father’s Day gift for him. Full of delicious recipes and accompanying redneck jokes, it’s the perfect gift for any man who can appreciate fire, food, and a good laugh. You know he’s been looking for an excuse to set something on fire, so why not a dead animal or some unsuspecting vegetables?

Be the star at your next family reunion with Jeff's latest hat. Squirrel is truly the other white meat, and others need to know just that. One size fits most.
If your dad cleaned his guns more than he cleaned his kids, he will love these gifts:

Show your support of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution that ensures that you, grandma and the good guys all have guns too with this t-shirt.

What a true statement. Sport this shirt to show your stance in this world.
If most of your dad's toolbox contains only Duct Tape, WD-40 and zip ties, you might get him this:

Is your dad the kind of guy who loves fixing things around the house, but he ends up breaking more things than he fixes? Does he try to fix everything – cars, sinks, broken arms – with duct tape, WD-40 and zip ties? Well you can’t really blame him for that. Duct tape is the solution to all of life’s problems – even Father’s Day! This duct tape inspired cap is perfect for wearing for odd jobs around the house. Or for answering the door for the plumber.
If beer bellies are an inherited trait in your family:

If you ever want to give your dad a friendly reminder that he is the reason you are the way you are, pick up a copy of The Redneck Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree. Filled with helpful reminders of the most valuable redneck traits, it can act as the family album you never had. Just remember to be nice to your Dad. You’ll be wearing his jeans before you know it.
If your dad cried with you tapped your first keg or read you Auto Trader at bedtime, these gifts will be perfect for him. Father’s Day is the day to thank him for keeping you alive and molding you into the little redneck you are today. So throw out that #1 Dad tie and give him a gift he really wants. Also, be sure to visit our store and all the Redneck gifts.